
My body does not lie Audio Kindle Ebook

Our body never lies (english version of "Mon corps me dit"); it lives, suffers and projects a fair reflection of its state. Through pain sent as signals, our body forces us to take note of the attention deficit that it experiences. The body has its language and it is necessary to understand how to interpret it. If one turns a deaf ear to its signals, it warns us repeatedly now and then, till the pain is pushed to its maximum, forcing us to act.

My body does not lie Audio Kindle Ebook

So, where do you hurt? That is the question posed by the author Valérie Grumelin

Based on true stories which reflect specific common symptoms, the reader can identify with the problems addressed and understand the impact of traumatic experiences that he has suffered. Once the pain is rendered "conscious", the author proposes some decoding and self-help exercises to effectively eliminate it. A first step on the road to recovery .

"We all need help but not just any kind of help: we need help that is customized and adapted to our specific need, a little bit of luck and lots of courage."After the success of her first book intended for children, dealing with Art therapy, "T'es toi quand tu peins" with the participation of Charlotte Rampling, Valérie Grumelin, cognitive and behavioral therapist has chosen to illustrate ten testimonies of her patients in the form of a diary called "Diary of an intimate voyage" .  

From suffering to emancipation accomplished by photographer and artist Luz Perez Ojeda.

Digital version only (No printed book) Audio+Kindle + IBook at 20€

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